Use Hashtagfox to discover the best hashtags !
Today we will see how to follow hashtags on Instagram, a novelty of this photographic social network that you can use to see in your timeline photos of a certain topic, without having to find accounts that publish about it before.
For example, if you like to see photos of sunsets or dogs, you can follow the hashtags #dogs and #travels. You will see photos of them in your Instagram timeline, mixed with those published by the accounts that follow. It is an easier and faster way to filter photos by their content and not only by who publishes them.
Although it was possible for a long time to search Instagram hashtags and see related photos, the advantage now is that you don’t have to do anything. You can directly follow a hashtag as if it were an Instagram account.
Follow your favorite hashtags on Instagram
The first thing you need is to go to the page of the hashtag you want to follow. There are several ways to do this (for example, tapping on a photo’s hashtag), but the easiest is to use the Instagram search engine. First, tap on the magnifying glass icon to open the Instagram search.
The window that opens is a bit of a mess of suggestions for accounts, photos, videos and hashtags that Instagram determines that may interest you. Tap in the top search bar to type the name of the hashtag you want to follow.
Type in the name of the hashtag you’re interested in (1), and then tap the hashtags tab (2) to filter the results that include only hashtags, not including accounts or locations that have a similar name. In the list of results (3), tap on the hashtag you want to follow to open its page
In the search result for the hashtag you can see the featured photos of that hashtag and, as a novelty, the Follow button. Click it to start following this hashtag as if it were just another account.
It is done. Instagram will show you photos of that hashtag mixed with those published by the accounts you follow, some advertising and outstanding Instagram stories. You will recognize these posts as they have a small hashtag icon.
How to see which hashtags you follow
The hashtags you follow work just like the normal accounts you follow, and anyone who can see your photos can see what hashtags you follow. Tap your follow number to see the list of hashtags that you follow. You can also do it in other accounts, to see what hashtags they follow.
The follow list is now divided into two tabs: people and hashtags. Tap Hashtags to see the list of hashtags you follow. You can stop following a hashtag from here, clicking on Following or follow more hashtags from the suggestions.