Want to ramp up your hashtags game ? https://hashtagfox.com is here just for that

Hashtags are Instagram’s great allies. Publishing without using the pad means losing a great opportunity to viralize content and gain visibility in this complex world of social networks. Although as in almost everything when we talk about #socialmedia you have to do it with your head and under specific parameters.

When we talk about a professional use of Instagram, there are many factors to take into account before launching to publish snapshots or videos in a crazy way. Controlling the rhythm of publications (the same number every day and at the same times), being originated or focused on a single publication topic are general recommendations that must be known before launching to promote a brand (whether commercial or personal) in Instagram. 

But due to the characteristics of the tool, perhaps the use of hashtags is the most important of all of them. The key is not to fill the publication with labels, but rather to know how to choose the most appropriate ones. As a general rule, it is not recommended to use more than three hashtags per photo or video, but these must be accurate for your interests.

Cheats and shortcuts for your hashtags

Some tricks that you may not have thought of and that may come in handy when using Instagram hashtags if you are going to develop a Social Media strategy may be the following.

  • Language. As has been seen throughout the post, English dominates Instagram. If you only plan to use one or two hashtags for your publication, you can try to gain a little more presence using the same but translated ones. Of course, if you plan to use more, remember that it is not recommended to fill the publication with too many labels.
  • Use copy-paste. If the labels of your brand are always the same, a shortcut of time is being able to copy and paste them either with some of the aforementioned applications or directly in the Notes app on your Smartphone. You will gain a lot of time.
  • Visualize the competition. Be careful when searching for a keyword to use for your hashtag. Many brands have created their own themed hashtag for their account and may appear at the top of the Instagram tag search engine. Check that it is not one of them before using it so that you do not give wings to another brand.