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The goal of many of the users who use Instagram is to appear as a popular user within the social network, however, it is something that can be quite difficult. The application itself uses an algorithm to know what is relevant and what is not within the social network, however, nobody knows for sure what aspects and how the network itself values ​​them. However, there are certain recommendations that we can follow to be popular on Instagram.

The truth is that the operation of the social network is quite simple, users follow each other according to their tastes and preferences and they like the photos that are published. Therefore, our popularity on Instagram depends directly on two factors, having as many followers as possible and that our photos get as many likes or likes as possible.

And it is that in the end it is like the whiting that bites its tail, the more followers we have the more likes we can get and the more likes we have, the more followers we can have. But for this, there are no rules or fixed rules to follow, hence the complexity of becoming among the popular Instagram, however, we can always follow certain tips or recommendations that can help us achieve our goal.

Everything you need to consider to be among the popular users on Instagram are hashtag

The first of all will be to take care of our profile on the social network, hence it is advisable to have an attractive profile photo and as clear as possible, avoiding including texts in it. If we had to add text if or if in our profile photo, it is best that we use simple fonts that look good on any device. 

But it is not only a photo of our profile, it is also important to have an interesting and original biography to promote ourselves and be able to attract new followers. Not to mention the username we choose, as it should be original, easy to pronounce and easy to remember. There is no use having an original name if it is difficult to remember.

  • Use captions and hashtags

It is important to take full advantage of the social network, since we can enhance our publications using the captions in addition to having surprising and quality images. Therefore, do not skimp on adding descriptions next to your photos or videos, creating a good footer in our publications can help us gain likes, followers and therefore popularity within Instagram.

In the same way, it is important also hashtags in our publications, being able to add some of the most popular hashtags within the social network at any time, plus those that we can add our own and that refer to our publication. Of course, always in its proper measure, since it is not good to abuse hashtags. A guideline number can be a maximum of 10 or 12 per publication.

Other considerations are:

  • First posts and likes

If you are one of those who are thinking of creating an account on Instagram and getting to be among the prominent or popular, or you already have an account but you have not yet published, it is important to know that the first publications and the first likes can help us to enter among the popular ones in Instagram in a faster way. Therefore, think carefully about what you will initially post on your profile and when you will do it, since the first posts can be important.

However, getting to enter among the popular ones on Instagram is more of a long-distance race, therefore, we are going to have to earn our popularity little by little every day. Creating quality content is one of the main premises, in addition, we must also be clear about our target audience to guide all our publications towards them.

  • Choose the time of each publication well

Creating quality, creative, original content can take our time and ultimately does not have the impact we expected. In that case, we must evaluate if the content was not appropriate or if the time of publication was not the best.

Therefore, you should carefully analyze the impact of each of your publications and the moment in which we have made each of them, days, time of publication, etc. Certain studies and statistics affirm that the days of greatest interaction on the social network are Mondays and Thursdays between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. 

However, if we publish on the weekend, Friday night and Saturday night are the time when the largest number of publications are made and therefore, makes many users active on the social network to see the scope of their posts and they can view other users’ posts at the same time.