what hashtag to put on our instagram post?

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Influencers, companies or any user that wants to grow uses hashtags to get followers and earn likes. So, if your business is in the process of growth, they can be a very interesting tool to achieve your goals. 

Always. It is essential that you use hashtags both on Instagram and on any other social network. Many times we invest money in paid ads when, in reality, we could be getting followers on Instagram for free.

Although the format varies slightly, if you want to position your content and reach more Instagram users, it is super important to use hashtags. Why? Well, because Instagram algorithms use them to understand what type of content you are publishing. 

Now that we know why we should use hashtags, let’s go to what really matters. What hashtag to put on our Instagram post?

But, the truth is that there is not a secret formula. So be wary of those who promise you a list like the 100 best hashtags that will earn you likes in 2020, the 50 most popular hashtags on Instagram, the final 30 hashtags to gain more presence on Facebook or the hashtags that receive more likes in 2020.

No one knows your business, your audience or your content better than you. Using trendy hashtags like “love” or “food” won’t make you generate more sales. Not necessarily. Knowing which the most used hashtag on Instagram is is fine, but it is far from enough. Let’s see why.

Hashtags help Instagram, Facebook and any other social network to classify content. The labels explain what your photo is about; which is the topic. Then they try to show that content to users who may be interested in it.

So how many chances do you have that among 1,000,000 photos, Instagram will choose yours? So we have to be smart. It’s okay to know what the most popular hashtag is, but there are plenty of other strategies we should consider.

  • Impressions and scope

Yes, the number of existing posts around the topic and the number of users who consult it is important. But not always more equals better. Or, in other words, using the most popular Instagram hashtags won’t always give you the best results.

Of course, you have to find a relevant label, which has a minimum audience that can help you convert. Also, it’s a good idea to search for other similar hashtags that are really related to your content. In fact, you should include all those hashtags that are associated with your topic. From there, it is about playing and experimenting. It is best if you choose different size hashtags. That is, trendy hashtags and not-so-popular hashtags.

  • Location

The location of a hashtag is also essential. For example, if you have an e-commerce business in Spain, you are interested in using the hashtags that Spanish users use. Remember that we share the same language with many countries on the other side of the pond, but if you cannot make shipments there, there is no point in making more general content to cover users that will never translate into sales.

  • Which users use the hashtags?

Ideally, people who use hashtags to create and consume content will have the same characteristics as your potential buyers. If you sell custom t-shirts related to Japanese culture, for example, using the hashtag “instafood” simply because a plate of sushi appears on your t-shirt doesn’t make much sense. On the other hand, using smaller and more specific ones such as “manganime” or “mangaketch” can be very useful.

In addition, you have to find out who are the most influential users within your niche. I like your photos, comment on your posts, follow them, etc. It can help you make yourself heard.